Title: Best of the Best Author: Lule-bell L&O: LOCI Pairing: Goren / Eames Rating: G Word Count: 100 A/N: This is in response to Canadian Women's Hockey team who destroyed Team Slovakia with a score of 18-0 on Sunday.
Title: Limits Author: Lule-bell L&O: Original Paring: Mike / Connie Word Count: 100 A/N: Post ep for For the Defense , but no spoilers. I don't ship these two, but I thought that Friday's ep needed something more. Also, I hate writing post eps. :/
Title: The Queen of Make Believe Author: Lule-bell L&O: LOCI Character: You tell me Word Count: 100 Spoilers: Season seven's Frame A/N: This shall be my last fic for the time being.